As the "End-Times" are coming closer, we believe the secular,as well as the christian world is experiencing a worldwide cleansing. Everywhere sin is being exposed like never before, and God is giving His people divine wisdom to deal with the exposures in His mercy and grace, leading people to God’s heart and destiny for their lives, instead of condemning them and leaving them for the world to devour. May the Lord Jesus Christ guide and direct us. As the Bride of Christ is becoming whiter, we are also seeing an uprising of the counterfeit spirituality, the seducing spirit of Jezebel, working more actively than ever to kill, steal, and destroy.
While some Christians are ignorant and even skeptical of the spirit of Jezebel, many Christians have become educated in some facets of what this spirit of Jezebel is all about. Even so, we get this question many times when we teach on this subject: “I know I must fight the spirit of Jezebel in the Spirit and not in the flesh, but what exactly does that mean for me in real life? How should I behave around people in my family, my work place, my church etc. who have the spirit of Jezebel?” Many say things like: ”I just don’t understand why this is happening to me? Why are they doing this to me? I have tried to stand strong and pray but my energy is zapped, and I’m about to give up. Will I ever win over this spirit?”
From Edwin’s and my experience in battling Jezebel practically our entire lives, we want to share some of our personal experiences in how to deal with Jezebel practically – what to do and what to avoid. This encouragement is especially meant to be for those who feel God is telling them to combat the Jezebel Spirit they are facing in their lives. We do realize that not everybody is meant to enter into combat but rather feel led by God to stand back and not confront. This study is also for all the victims of this vicious Spirit of Jezebel, who don’t know what they are dealing with – yet! We pray they will be enlightened and filled with Godly discernment to discover any assignment on their lives.
Background On The Spirit of Jezebel
I know all the things you do — your love, your faith, your service, and your patient endurance. And I can see your constant improvement in all these things. But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman — that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet — to lead my servants astray. She is encouraging them to worship idols, eat food offered to idols, and commit sexual sin. I gave her time to repent, but she would not turn away from her immorality. Therefore, I will throw her upon a sickbed, and she will suffer greatly with all who commit adultery with her, unless they turn away from all their evil deeds. I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am the one who searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person. And I will give to each of you whatever you deserve. But I also have a message for the rest of you in Thyatira who have not followed thisfalse teaching (‘deeper truths,’ as they call them — depths of Satan, really). I will ask nothing more of you except that you hold tightly to what you have until I come. (Rev 2:19-25 NLT)
Jesus is calling Jezebel a false teacher that leads His servants astray, someone who encourages believers to worship idols, eat food offered to idols, and commit sexual sin. (Note that this encouragement can also come in a subtle form, such as an entrapment for you to fall.) You can find Jezebel in any level of society. She can be in your family, your school, work place, church — virtually anywhere. She is a woman who claims to have religious zeal and she calls herself a prophet, and likes to mingle in with the influential people, especially in church. This type of person is especially dangerous because they will deceive people to believe she is one of them, and thereby gain their confidence in order to start teaching them “deeper truths” that twist the original Word of God. Some people get so bedazzled by her deep “wisdom” and somehow become addicted to mystifying the Word of God, making it cryptic and withheld to only the “chosen” or “special” ones who are able to understand these truths, that are actually myths. Jezebel’s specialty is to ensnare and convince people to follow her teachings that will lead them to rebellion against God. In their naïveté, people fall for her charm, and give in to idol worship in their lives, just like King Ahab did when he married Jezebel.
And as though it were not enough to live like Jeroboam, he married Jezebel, the daughter of King Ethbaal of the Sidonians, and he began to worship Baal. 1 Kings 16:31 NLT
No one else so completely sold himself to what was evil in the LORD’s sight as did Ahab, for his wife, Jezebel, influenced him. He was especially guilty because he worshiped idols just as the Amorites had done — the people whom the LORD had driven from the land ahead of the Israelites. 1 Kings 21:25-26 NLT
The Old Testament’s Queen Jezebel of Israel was a worshipper of Baal, a despicable god who required even human sacrifices, and she encouraged and led others to do the same. This way, she steered the people of Israel onto a path of disobedience toward their true God, and brought evil and destruction into the land. She was able to do this, because of the influence she gained over her husband.
One of the Jezebel spirit’s biggest goals is to kill the true prophets of God. An example of this was the prophet Elijah, who, after challenging and killing more than 400 of Queen Jezebel’s false Baal prophets, ran out in the desert in panic, after receiving a letter from Jezebel, swearing that she would retaliate and kill him. He was so intimidated by it that he wanted to lay down and die. But Jezebel’s predictions were false, as this spirit’s many prophecies usually are, and Elijah did not die. God’s plan is higher and more powerful than Jezebel’s curses.
Jezebel’s Character Traits
Let us take a deeper look at the character traits that goes along with the spirit of Jezebel, because it is much more than what meets the eye, and can be extremely difficult to discern for the untrained eye. There are certain characteristics that always seem to follow these women (and men), and we have mapped some of them for you, so you will be able to recognize them in your family, job, school or church, or anywhere else you go. You can only spot the Jezebel spirit when you understand her personality traits, so let’s spend some time under her skin.
The very first, and probably most outstanding quality of a person with a Jezebel Spirit, is their undeniable, ever-present need to always be right! They are not humble people who seek the input of others, but have an unquenchable desire to “win” over you in everything. The worldly term for the spirit of Jezebel is ‘malignant narcissism’ for which there is no cure. Some traits of narcissism include: excessive self-love; firm conviction that he or she is better, smarter, or more talented than other people; becomes irritated when other people don’t automatically do what he or she wants them to do; thinks most criticisms of him or her are motivated by jealousy; regards anything short of worship to be rejection; often complains of being mistreated or misunderstood; has fantasies of doing something great or being famous, and often expects to be treated as if these fantasies had already come true.
The second thing, highest on our list, is the “chameleon” spirit she possesses that allows her to appear a certain way, but not actually be that way. She will adapt to her surroundings to seem like a loving, charming, and even peaceful person, all the while trying to get a hold of your soul. She will appear to blend in, and suddenly, out of nowhere, stick her tongue out, and swallow you up, by verbally attacking you. The Jezebel spirit is born out of witchcraft and is designed to destroy the host (which is the body it lives in), the spouse, children, family, relationships, marriages, the church, the prophets of God, and the body of Christ in general, in every crafty and subtle way possible.
The third aspect is her use of seduction, deception, and manipulation to control your mind, your actions, and your destiny. She wants to see how far she can involve herself into your life, how far you are willing to allow her to go.
Jezebels usually come in two categories; the active, and the passive–or as is has been said–the high-profile, and the low-profile. The high-profile, active Jezebel is the woman who is the leader of the home, including everyone in it. She is the one who “wears the pants” in the marriage/family, the overbearing, bossy, in-control, in charge, dominating woman, who is outspoken, bold, and militaristic. The low-profile, passive Jezebel is the woman who controls the husband and family “behind the scenes”. She has a meek exterior, and no one would guess that she has the family in a head-lock, quietly controlling, manipulating, and destroying peoples’ lives. She is soft-spoken, seemingly submissive and nice on the outside, and only the closest family knows the truth about who she really is.
Jezebel hates children, especially her own, but it takes great discernment to discover it. Women with the Jezebel Spirit tend to treat their children cold and distant, rarely showing tears or emotion. She likes to make sure they don’t get any sympathy, because she hates weakness. She doesn’t show much love or affection – genuine hugs, smiles, and affirmation are a rare gift. Usually, her children are merely treated as pawns in her game of control and achievement of power. She uses conditional love to ensure her children’s subordination. In this way, they will always strive for her attention and approval, and she will glory in it, only for her own self-gratification.
Jezebel will often mix religious terms and phrases to appear godly, but her life doesn’t produce godliness. Following her life and example will lead to rebellion, darkness, anger, and strife.
You will many times find a Jezebel woman involved in various types of teaching activities. Not only in religious settings, but also places such as schools and various types of counseling. The reason for this is their need to be an influence to people. The spirit within them drives them to want to reproduce themselves and their teachings to other people. They like to be highly involved in people’s personal lives, getting up close and intimate, making people confide in them. Then she becomes important, needed, and wanted, just the way she likes it. Satan places them specifically in teaching positions so they will impart a distorted and untrue message to people, and thereby cause more spiritual and mental darkness to come upon their lives. People may be in a bad condition when they come to her, but they leave worse off than how they came.
She is a master of the “blaming game”, and is extremely clever in gaining sympathy for herself by producing convincing arguments for her case, usually portraying herself as fair in her assessments. She will twist and turn information to better fit her, even if it involves lying and crying, anything to make you be the responsible or guilty one.
Jezebel does not truly forgive people who offend her. She keeps track of all past offenses, and she uses them to her advantage when she sees the need for manipulation. Her love is always conditional, making you know of the things that please her, so if you do not comply, she will reject you.
The Spirit of Jezebel also produces sexual imbalance and perversion in the children. We have seen many examples of rebellion and extreme dark and obscure behavior in children and teenagers of mothers who possess the Jezebel Spirit. The family around them doesn’t seem to understand why the children choose rebellion instead of becoming “normal” like everyone else, not knowing that it is actually not always a choice of conviction, but rather a direct influence by the distorting spirit of Jezebel operating in the family. The control the children are under causes them not to develop as strong, individual, healthy human beings, but causes perversion and confusion, and sexual immorality. Children of Jezebels can also fall in the exact opposite category, being overly well-behaved, submissive, pleasing, passive, and shy of conflict. They can be recognized by their fear, lack of ambition and self-esteem, many times rather wanting to take the blame for everything upon themselves, instead of searching for justice.
Confusion and peace
A Jezebel spirit will never admit any fault or wrong-doing. If you plan to confront the Jezebelite with something, you can be totally clear about your problems, and your list of concerns, and yet come out on the other end, totally convinced that you were the only one at fault. The mighty dark cloud of confusion that surrounds the Spirit of Jezebel makes you give up, and give in to her demands without proper reason. You don’t even know what hit you, you just don’t have the strength to fight her, and you may even feel a sense of relief for achieving peace with her, not realizing the prize you are paying is compromising for the sake of peace.
The spirit of Jezebel brings about a tremendously powerful confusion that can make you doubt everything you stand for. After your first few confrontations, you learn to stay away from coming even remotely close to suggesting correction. You find out, that you are not strong enough to stand up against it, and start becoming passive. This kind of passivity is what King Ahab suffered from, when he looked the other way, instead of confronting the wrong his wife, Queen Jezebel was doing:
When Jezebel heard the news, she said to Ahab, “You know the vineyard Naboth wouldn’t sell you? Well, you can have it now! He’s dead!” So Ahab immediately went down to the vineyard to claim it.”(1 Kings 21:15-16 NLT)
Because of King Ahab’s passive negligence of Queen Jezebel’s wicked actions, we have the term “Spirit of Ahab” which is the “perfect” counterpart to Jezebel. He wants to remain innocent, but is anything but innocent in the eyes of God. In fact the Bible says Ahab was an evil man, possessing the same persecuting spirit as his wife, as he mocked the prophet Elijah and called him intimidating names:
“So it’s you, is it — Israel’s troublemaker?” Ahab asked when he saw him. (1 Kings 18:17 NLT)
Jezebel is calling Jehu names, mocking him and comparing him to another murderer:
“When Jehu entered the gate of the palace, she (Jezebel) shouted at him, “Have you come in peace, you murderer? You are just like Zimri, who murdered his master!” (2 Kings 9:31 NLT)
Remember, Ahab’s passivity cost him everything. The Bible says he sold himself to evil. In other words, it’s not only through “old-fashion” Satan worship we can sell our souls, but also, when we sell our souls to worship another human being, who will drag us into a life away from God.
No one else so completely sold himself to what was evil in the LORD’s sight as did Ahab, for his wife, Jezebel, influenced him. (1 Kings 21:25 NLT)
No peace around Jezebel
I believe, we have to understand that dealing with the Jezebel spirit will never be peaceful! One has to give, and that is certainly not going to be Jezebel if she has her way. A Jezebelite doesn’t respect anyone, and certainly not someone of lesser authority than herself. She will never humble herself and help find a way to make things work. Things have to be her way, or no way at all. King Jehu, the warrior, knew that there is no achieving peace, no compromise that can be made with Jezebel, only a violent counter-action can stop her:
“King Joram demanded “Do you come in peace, Jehu?” Jehu replied, “How can there be peace as long as the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother, Jezebel, are all around us?” 2 Kings 9:22 NLT
Copyright © 2008 Sophia and Edwin Christiaan, used with permission.
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