This Was Your Life

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Gentle Rain Ministries

Monday, 22 September 2008

Rejoice, Daughter Rejoice!

Thurs.27th Sept. 2007 Pastor Gill Stanford – One of His precious daughters.

A Word from the King to His precious Daughters for Winning Women Day

October 6th 2007,Stoke-on-Trent.

Rejoice, my Daughter rejoice. Your days of weeping and mourning are over.

I want you to dance & to sing the new song I have given you in your heart.

I want you to desire me like you have never done before. I want you.

Your days of rejection and striving to be accepted are over.

Rejoice my Daughter rejoice.

You carry in the womb of your spirit my seed of Joy.

That will grow and overflow into the lives of all those around you.

Rejoice my Daughter rejoice.

Your days of failure and comparison are over.

You belong to me and you are beautiful. You are my beautiful one.

I call you beautiful and you are wedded to me.

I am your Husband, your lover and the one who holds you and

walks with you through every season of life.

There is a new, as fresh anointing of joy on your life.

It is deeper and bigger than you have known before.

Rejoice my Daughter rejoice and enjoy this joy.

I am pleased with you. My smile is upon you and

I am full of joy to see my joy be full and complete in you,

there is your source of strength.

So rise up, rise up as on the wings of an Eagle.

Come join Me in the heavenly places. Come enjoy heaven,

the beautiful fragrance of heaven.

Let it infuse your being. It will fill your heart

My joy and the fragrance of heaven is in your heart,

To overflow to the hurting, those who feel unlovely,

Those who are lost and those who are in pain.

Take my joy and fragrance to them.

I will go with you and share my joy with them through you.

I love you daughter, I love you.

Don’t forget I love you and have called you my own.

Rejoice my Daughter rejoice, for I rejoice over you with singing.

Your adoring Daddy, Father God.

(c) Pastor Gill Stanford 2007 All Rights Reserved

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